building lives that glorify GOD

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September 21, 2019

August 24, 2019

July 13, 2019



We feed & clothe the least of them

Our first project is the 14th Street Park – Feed the Homeless Project. At present we feed over 300 people, hand out badly needed clothes, toiletries and also provide communion, prayer, scripture and love every month. This is a community effort that is growing by leaps and bounds because it builds Jesus’ ecclesia and Kingdom.

We reach out to everyone in this project, believers and non-believers alike. We are recruiting other churches to join in along with community business leaders and civic groups. This effort is dependent on donations and contributions, perhaps your heart is moved to make a contribution?


I was in jail and you visited me (Mat 25:36)

Jails play an important role in the Bible and are the “genesis” of the Body of Christ Ecclesia. Pastor Bruce is an OC Jail Chaplain/Counselor and a veteran in the Bill Glass Behind the Walls prison ministry.

It was in this work that God connected Brother Robert with Pastor Bruce and the “OG and the Suit” took off. One of our Bill Glass brothers has a testimony about God saying he keeps his treasure in a vault too, a vault with walls and barbed wire.

There is no place on earth where God’s work and potential is exhibited more frequently and clearly than in the jails and prisons. Yes, we have a captive audience and the calling to serve it is undeniably rewarding.


We are prayer warriors

If you cannot tell the difference between your prayer to God and your letter to Santa Claus, you are not doing it right. We stress our relationship with God so intensely because it is what God created; a family to love and to glorify him. Without him, we can do nothing.  

How can we live our lives for God if we do not talk it over with him? When we understand our relationship with God, we understand how to talk to him for everything. 

A Bible verse is not presented here because Bible verses are not just pills we take to cure an ill, they are the pixels that reveal our relationship with God.


We are Kingdom builders

Christianity is not a religion, it is a declaration! “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven  is at hand” (Mat 3:2). God has been building his kingdom since he first created human beings. The do-over started with Noah’s family, then advanced with Abraham’s family, then the nation of Israel. 

Israel was scattered because of sin but where did Paul and others go first to spread the new Gospel throughout the world? The scattered Jews’ synagogues. See the plan?

Most Christians turn the last page of Malachi and suddenly, here’s Jesus! But, in that 400 year gap in time (and scripture), God taught the world a common language, restored Israel’s territory to almost the Davidic borders with the Sanhedrin governing body and brought in the killer Roman gods.

Nothing brings God’s Kingdom Plan to life more than this period (the Intertestimental Period) and we are called to keep building until the end.

So you see folks, we are here to keep building God’s kingdom, not just bang off the walls down here on earth until we cash in our Heaven ticket. 


We are a guiding beacon to the light

Light is used to symbolize God, faith or holiness throughout scripture. On Day 1 (Gen 1:3), Jesus said, “let there be light.” I am always amazed by how few Christians react to the sun not being created until Day 4, they just see the world light up like the switch was thrown Day 1.

I love the word “light” for God because we do not really understand visible light much better than God but we trust and know exactly what it does.

What is also important is that dark is not the opposite of light, it is the absence of light. Darkness symbolizes evil and when the light of God is brought to the darkness of evil, there is no resistance to the light, darkness is powerless against it.

In our earthly lives, we struggle and flail and tire from the temptation of the enemy but in our born-again spiritual life with God, there is endless energy and glory in God’s light.

The simplicity of coming to the light cuts through an enormity of complexity that Bible scholars and pastors love to delve into. And yes, that is Jesus doing the talking in Gen 1 (John 1:1-3


We bring people into relationship with God

The first thing that happened after Jesus died was that the veil of the Temple was torn (Mat 27:51), opening the pathway for everyone on earth to reconnect with God in the original relationship God created, a family to love in paradise for eternity. 

Our sin had to be paid for to reconnect with God but a whole warehouse full of paid for sin is useless if we do not reconnect with him. And the mechanism for our relationship is the Holy Spirit, probably the least known and yet most important fact to know about God. 

We call ourselves First Century Christians because they were powered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 2).

Our team

First Century Christians Powered by the Holy Spirit

Pastor Bruce


Brother Robert


Sister Susan


Brother Jason


Sister Emma